Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I've been thinking today about the previous post, and realizing there are many loose ends to be brought together. For one thing, the title - God Victorious - I realized it may not be clear how that relates. That post came about as a result of someone telling me that a Christian young person thought that David's death was only a victory for Satan, and not at all a victory for God, since many people who need to repent of their sins are not repenting, but are merely rationalizing their lifestyle in various ways.

Two things. We don't know what's happening inside of them. Repentance often is a long process. Also, if God is really glorified by judging sinners as well as by saving them, then He is victorious even if they never repent.

I'm doing a lot of studying on this. It is helping me work through the grief, and it's edifying. Don't know if anyone else is reading it, but, anyway, more is coming.


  1. I'm reading it. I only just noticed that you can comment. Please keep it coming. Your thoughts are well-written, straight-forward, insightful and helpful. Thanks, K.D.

  2. Oh yeah, we're out here reading it. It's good stuff.
