Saturday, July 11, 2009

Awesome quote from Jonathan Edwards

Here is a great quote from Jonathan Edwards. It is from page 8 of his book on "Religious Affections." I found it timely.

"We find that people exercise the affections in everything else but religion! When it comes to their worldly interest, their outward delights, their honor and reputation, and their natural relations, they have warm affection and ardent zeal. In these things their hearts are tender and sensitive, easily moved, deeply impressed, much concerned, and much engrossed. They get deeply depressed at worldly losses, and highly excited at worldly successes. But how insensible and unmoved are most men about the great things of another world! How dull then are their affections! Here their love is cold, their desires languid, their zeal low, and their gratitude small. How they can sit and hear of the infinite height, depth, length, and breadth of the love of God in Christ Jesus, of His gift of His infinitely dear Son offered up as a sacrifice for the sins of men, and yet be so insensible and regardless! Can we suppose that the wise Creator implanted such a faculty of affections to be occupied in this way? How can any Christian who believes the truth of these things not realize this?"

This quote pierces me because I see so much of myself reflected in it. How quickly I get excited enough to devote hours to training for a canoe race. It feels like nothing to devote two hours to watching a movie I'm looking forward to seeing... but when was the last time I spent two hours in prayer?

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